Continuing your education is one of the most important things you can do as a licensed professional. Keeping your skill sets at their best and learning new techniques ensures that you can provide more for your clients and create a stronger business for yourself.

In these 3-hour classes we will go in depth on the art of styling: creating a foundation that works for you, techniques that save time and keep styles looking polished, and strengthening client consultations are all covered in these classes, plus more.

Each class can be accompanied by a 2-hour, hands-on demo that provides resources to connect learning portions to real situations. Demos are often limited in participation to ensure proper time is given to each participant. While Haley provides education through social media pages such as Instagram and YouTube, these in person classes guarantee in-depth, conversational, and hands-on learning.

Click here to view current upcoming classes!

Currently, Zoom classes are also available! Just click the link below and mark that it’s a Zoom preferred class in the inquiry.